Vicia cassubica

Vicia cassubica


Perennial, with a creeping rootstock. Stems erect, flexuous, 30-60 cm, adpressed-pubescent or shortly villous . Leaves paripinnate, ending in a branched tendril; leaflets oblong, obtuse, 11-17-paired; stipules semisagittate, entire. Peduncle up to ½  as long as leaf. Raceme 3-18-flowered, 1-2 x as long as broad. Calyx 5-6 mm, with an oblique mouth, teeth unequal, the lowest tooth slightly shorter to slightly longer than the tube. Corolla purple or pink, 10-12 mm. Legume broadly rhombic-elliptic, 15-18 x 5-7,5 mm, glabrous, 1-2seeded. Fl. 5-7. Forests, banks, fields, nr. s.l.-2150 m.

Europe , Caucasus, Georgia, Lebanon, N. Iran . Euro-Sib. element.

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