Vicia cracca

Vicia cracca

 Ssp atroviolacea: Dağ fiği; Ssp cracca: Kuş fiği; Ssp gerardii: GülçineSsp stenophylla: Meşe fiği; Ssp tenuifolia: Kır fiği

Slender perennial, erect or climbing, glabrescent or adpressed-hairy. Leaflets 8-16-paired, 0,8-4 cm, ovate-oblong to linear; stipules slender, semihastate, nearly always entire; tendrils branched. Peduncle shorter or longer than leaf; raceme 10-40-flowered, dense or lax. Flowers 13-18 mm, violet or lilac . Calyx 3-6 mm, scarcely gibbous, often purplish, the lowest tooth shorter to slightly longer than tube. Limb of standard subequal to nearly twice as long as claw. Style laterally compressed. Legume 20-30 mm, always glabrous. Seeds several.
   1. Flowers large, very dark violet, 13-18 mm long; peduncle short, usually 2-4 cm, as long as the conferted raceme; plant erect, with leaflets usually 8-10-paired, oblong-lanceolate to oblong, often subsericeous; limb of standard 1-1 1/3 x as long as claw; legume as in subsp. gerardii .....subsp. atroviolacea
   1. Plants without the above combination of characters, the peduncles and racemes being longer, and the flowers paler
     2. Standard 10-14 mm, limb subequal or equal to claw, violet-blue; leaflets 10-25 mm, widest at or below the middle, or parallel-sided; legume 20-25 mm, stipe included in the calyx tube or shortly exserted; plant erect or climbing, with peduncles usually 4-7 cm
     3. Stems weak, climbing, adpressed-pubescent; leaflets 5-12-paired; lowest calyx tooth subequal to tube, lanceolate; legume oblong, with the obliquely truncate ends almost parallel, narrowed into a short stipe included in calyx tube .....................subsp. cracca
       3. Stems self-supporting, erect, patently or adpressed-pubescent; leaflets 12-16-paired; lowest calyx tooth as long to slightly longer than tube, subulate; legume obliquely oblong, more gradually narrowed into a stipe equal to or slightly longer than calyx tube ..........subsp. gerardii  
   2. Standard 11-18 mm, limb slightly longer to up to 2 x as long as claw, mauve, lilac or violet-blue ; leaflets 10-40 mm, always parallel-sided; legume 22-30 mm, with an exserted stipe; plants erect with peduncles 4-13 cm
    4. Leaflets oblong-linear, 15-40 x 2-5 mm, usually obtuse; habit stouter and less twiggy than in subsp. stenophylla; inflorescence rather dense, flowers nodding; limb of standard 1 ½ -2 x as long as claw; legume obliquely oblong .................subsp. tenuifolia
    4. Leaflets narrowly linear, 10-30 x 0,5-2 mm, acute; habit bushy, with branches and leaf rachides slender and rigid; inflorescence usually lax, flowers often more spreading; limb of standard up to 1 ½  x as long as claw; legume obliquely oblanceolate, more attenuate below than in any other subspecies .......................................subsp. stenophylla
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