Vicia cuspidata
Vicia cuspidata
Ege baklası
Finely pubescent annual, 8-50 cm, decumbent or ascending. Lower leaves with 1-3-pairs of leaflets, the upper with 4-5 pairs; leaflets variable in length, up to 17 x 1-6 mm, obovate cuneate to linear-lanceolate, retuse to acute, awned; stipules up to 5 mm, ovate to semi-sagittate, subentire; tendrils mostly simple . Flowers solitary, 11-14 mm, nearly sessile, usually purple, sometimes bluish or whitish. Calyx 5-7 mm, with a rather straight mouth, adpressed-pilose; teeth almost as long as tube, almost equal, lanceolate. Legume generally linear, 22-27 x 3-4 rom, attenuate into a long, nearly straight subuncinate beak, glabrous. Seeds 5-8, 2,5-3,5 mm, ruminate-reticulate, hilum minute. Fl. 3-5. Pinus brutia forest, scrub, fields, 50-1000 m.
Greece , Lebanon, Anti-Lebanon, Palestine, N.W. Iran. E. Medit. element.