Vicia ervilia

 Vicia ervilia


Glabrous to sparingly adpressed-pubescent annual, 8-70 cm, erect. Leaves ending in a mucro; leaflets 8-15-paired, 5-15 x 1-3 mm, narrowly linear to oblong-lanceolate; stipules semi-hastate, long-dentate. Peduncle 1-4-flowered, as long as or longer than the flowers, much shorter than the leaves. Flowers 7-12 mm, lilac, pink, pale yellow or white. Calyx 5-7 mm, ± adpressed-pubescent, mouth suboblique; teeth somewhat longer than tube, equal, subulate. Standard not reflexed; keel navicular. Legume oblong-linear, 12-25 x 3-5 mm, torulose to submoniliform, minutely puberulent. Seeds 2-4, hilum very short. 2n = 14. FI. 3-6. Quercus scrub, stony slopes, screes, fields, vineyards, roadsides, s.l-1700 m; also cultivated.
Medit. area, S.W. Asia. Wild, cultivated and spontaneous in Turkey. 
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