Vicia tetrasperma

Vicia tetrasperma


Slender annual, subglabrous to adpressed-pilose, 15-80 cm, decumbent to erect-climbing. Leaflets 3-6-paired, 3-22 x 1-3,5 mm, narrowly linear to oblanceolate-oblong, obtuse to acute, the lowermost elliptic; stipules semisagittate or -hastate, the upper sometimes lanceolate; tendrils short, mostly simple. Peduncle about as long as leaf, 1-3-flowered. Flowers 4-7 mm, nodding to erect, pale blue. Calyx c. 3 mm, with an oblique lip, pilose; teeth hardly shorter than tube, unequal, narrowly triangular. Legume linear-oblong, 8-15 x 2,5-4,5 mm, subtorulose, generally glabrescent. Seeds 3-4, hilum ¼ -1/5 of the perimeter. 2n=14. Fl. 3-6. Thickets, fields, river terraces, on moist soils, 20-1950 m.
Europe, N.W. Africa, S.W. Asia. 
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