Vicia villosa

Vicia villosa

 Ssp dasycarpa: Dağ efereği; Ssp eriocarpa: Boğala; Ssp villosa: Tüylü fiğ

Annual or biennial, villous or adpressed-pilose to almost glabrous, 15-90 cm, climbing or procumbent. Leaflets 4-10-paired, 0,3-3,5 cm, oblong-ovate to narrowly linear; stipules semi-hastate or sagittate to lanceolate; tendrils branched. Peduncle as long as the leaf or shorter, 3-40-flowered. Pedicels 1-2 mm. Flowers 12-22 mm, violet-blue or ± blue. Calyx 5-8 mm, strongly gibbous, with an oblique mouth, villous to sparsely pilose-pubescent; teeth shorter to longer than tube, narrowly subulate to lanceolate-triangular, ciliate or glabrescent. Limb of standard ½  to nearly as long as the claw; keel navicular. Style laterally subcompressed. Legumes oblong or oblong-rhomboid, 2-3 x 0,6-1 cm, glabrous or pubescent. Seeds 2-8, hilum 1/6-1/12 of perimeter. A very polymorphic species. Four overlapping subspecies occur in our area; the taxonomic situation is particularly puzzling in W. Anatolia and the neighbouring islands.
1. Stems ± villous; leaflets usually 7-10-paired, elongate, never obtuse; stipules up to 5 mm broad; raceme 10-30-flowered; lower calyx tooth at least as long as tube, ciliate; limb of standard at least ½  as long as claw; legume glabrous ......subsp. villosa
1. Stems glabrescent or adpressed-pilose; leaflets 4-10-paired; stipules less than 3 mm broad; racemes 5-15-flowered; lower calyx tooth generally shorter than tube, usually subglabrous; limb of standard ½  as long or nearly as long as claw; legume glabrous or pubescent
   2. Leaflets linear-oblong, 6-10-paired, some often longer than 17 mm; raceme 5-15-flowered; standard violet, limb ½ -2/3 as long as claw
      3. Ovary and mature legume glabrous ................................subsp. dasycarpa
      3. Ovary and legume persistently pubescent ...................subsp. eriocarpa
   2. Leaflets ± elliptic, 4-7-paired, shorter than 17 mm; raceme 3-7-flowered, lax; corolla 14-22 mm, ± blue, often yellow-tinged, standard at least 2/3 as long as claw ...............subsp. microphylla