Quercus ithaburensis

Quercus ithaburensis

 Pelit ağacı

subsp. macrolepis
Deciduous tree to 10 m, with a broad crown, sometimes in old specimens with a massive trunk; young shoots densely tomentose, greyish or yellowish-brown. Buds ovoid, c. 3 mm, tomentose. Leaves distributed over stem, very variable, usually ± ovate, sometimes ± oblong, c. 5-9 x 3-5 cm, cordate or rounded, with 5-8 subtriangular ± irregular lobes with ± aristate or mucronate teeth; intercalary veins absent; upper surface dull green, ± finely stellate-pilose, lower surface greyish-green, densely stellate-pilose; petiole 13.5 cm. Peduncle almost absent, sturdy. Fruit maturing in second year, very Variable. Cupule hemispherical to cyathiform 20-40 mm diam., densely pubescent; scales linear-oblong, adpressed to spreading, becoming ± woody, uppermost often elongated, variously arranged; acorn ± included to c. 1/3 exserted, apically convex to obtuse. Fr. 8·9. With other Quercus species, forming park- like forests, in scrub, with Pinus brutia, P. pinea, Juniperus, 50-1700 m.
Balkans, S.E. Italy. E. Medit. element. 
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