Gentiana septemfida


Gentiana septemfida


Yedi gentiyan
Prostrate or ascending herbs; stems numerous, 5-30 cm, of 10-16 internodes, simple and with 1-5 flowers in axils of upper leaves forming a ± terminal head. Leaves very variable; scale-like below, then ± ovate, gradually narrowing to lanceolate or linear above; sometimes broader throughout, with cordate bases; leaf bases in all but uppermost united to form a sheath; median to 40 x 25 mm. Flowers 5-6-merous. Calyx 12-24 mm, less than ½  x corolla, divided to c. ½ way; lobes variable, ± lanceolate, acute, to 3 mm broad. Corolla dark blue to blue-purple, 30-40 mm, divided to c. 1/6 ; lobes triangular, acute or subacute; subsidiary lobes 1/3  to ½  as long, fimbriate. Capsule shortly stipitate. Fl. 7-8. Alpine meadows, flushes and open Abies forest, 1800-3200 m.
Caucasia, N. Iran. Hyrcano-Euxine element.