Gentianella holosteoides

Gentianella holosteoides


Annual or biennial? Stems very short, 1,7-6 cm, usually branched from base; main stem of 2-3 internodes, with terminal and long-pedicellate lateral flowers. Basal leaves spathulate; cauline elliptic, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, acute, to 15 x 4 mm. Flowers apparently mostly 4-merous. Calyx 5-8 mm, divided to c. ½ , lobes somewhat unequal in length and width, longest exceeding corolla tube. Corolla bluish, 9-12 mm, lobes subacute and apparently rather erect. Capsule sessile to subsessile. Fl. 8. Montane pastures, 2440-2700 m.

Endemic. E. Medit. element.

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