Erodium sibthorpianum

Erodium sibthorpianum

Densely caespitose perennial, 5-12 cm, forming hard wide hummocks. Basal leaves 2-pinnatisect, canescent, blade ovate, 7-25 mm, laciniae shortly oblong, acute. Stems erect or ascending, crisply pubescent below, bearing 1-5 peduncles. Sepals 4-6 mm in flower, pilose and with subsessile glands, or patently glandular-hirsute; awn 0,2-0,5 mm. Petals white or pale lilac, 7-15 mm. Beak of fruit 3-4,5 cm, stout.
1. Petals 9-15 mm; beak of fruit 3,5-4,5 cm; pedicels and calyces patently glandular-pubescent-hirsute subsp. sibthorpianum 
1. Petals 7-8 mm; beak of fruit c. 3 cm; pedicels and calyces with subsessile glands and long eglandular hairs subsp. vetteri 
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