Geranium macrorrhizum

Geranium macrorrhizum

 Ayaklı ıtır

Perennial, with stout, elongated, 6-13 mm wide, cylindrical, horizontal rhizome. Stem 20-60 cm, erect. Leaves orbicular, 7-17 cm wide, divided for 4/3 of the radius into 5-7 obovate, pinnatifid lobes; segments obtuse but conspicuously mucronate, glandular-pubescent. Petiole 5 55 mm. Inflorescence with 2-7 flowers in a corymb or umbel, densely short and long glandular-pubescent. Bracts 2, 2-4 mm. Pedicel 11-27 mm. Sepals erect, 5-7 mm, ovate with longitudinally 3-nerved, long aristate at apex, greenish to reddish, densely glandular-pubescent. Petals c. 15 mm, obovate to spathulate, entire, patent or deflexed, dull purplish-red limb, glabrous. Stamens 22-26 mm; filaments reddish, curved at apex; anther reddish; pollen yellowish. Style up to 40 mm, reddish. Mericarps glabrous to slightly pubescent, transversely rugose. Flowering and fruting in May and June.
Balkan Peninsula, S., E. Carpathians, S. Alps, Appennini mountains .
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