Geranium molle

Geranium molle

 Yumuşak ıtır

Annual, 5-40 cm, branched from base, softly hairy. Lower leaves with lamina divided to 2/3 , 1-3 cm diam., segments cuneate, obtusely lobulate; uppermost leaves alternate, subsessile. Pedicels bearing long soft and very short glandular hairs, ± deflexed in fruit. Sepals 4-5 mm; awn 0,1-0,2 mm. Petals 3-7 mm, deeply emarginate, pink. Stamens 10. Mericarps glabrous, wrinkled. Seeds smooth. Very variable in size. Two weakly delimited subspecies can be recognised:
1. Petals 3-7 mm; pedicels mostly shorter than the subtending leaves; stems spreading subsp. molle 
1. Petals 7-12 mm; pedicels longer than the subtending leaves; stems erect ...............subsp. brutium 
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