Hypericum montbretii

Hypericum montbretii

Çay kantaronu
Stems 15-60 cm, erect or decumbent, rarely rooting. Leaves 15-55 mm, ovate to oblong or triangular-lanceolate, the uppermost sometimes black-glandular-denticulate, at least the upper ± densely pellucid-dotted, with reticulate venation sometimes obscure. Sepals lanceolate to narrowly oblong, acute or acuminate, regularly but sometimes sparsely glandular-ciliate or very rarely eglandular-ciliate, with usually a few superficial black glands, spreading or reflexed in fruit. Petals 8-14 mm, with or without black dots towards the apex and rarely elsewhere. Capsule 7-10 mm, narrowly ovoid-pyramidal or parallel-sided, with round vesicles only. Fl. 4-7. Damp or shady places among rocks, 200-1750 m;
Balkans, W. Syria, Georgia.
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