Crocus hittiticus
Crocus hittiticus
Hitit çiğdemi
Corm tunic coarsely reticulate-fibrous. Leaves 3-5, synanthous, 0.5-1 mm broad. Prophyll absent. Bracteole present. Throat of perianth yellow, glabrous; segments 1.7-2.6 x 0.4-1 cm, acute to obtuse, lilac-blue or white, outer 3 usually strongly striped purple or violet on outside. Filaments 3-5 mm, yellow, glabrous; anthers 5-12 mm, yellow or blackish. Style dividing into 3 yellow to deep orange branches. 2n = 10. Fl. 3-5. Open rocky places and in sparse coniferous woods, 500-1200 m.
Distribution of species: S. & C. Europe, Caucasia, Crimea.