Gladiolus osmaniyensis

Gladiolus osmaniyensis

Glabrous perennial. Corm symmetrical, subglobose, 2 cm diam., enclosed by several layers of  brownish, finely reticulate fibrous tunics. Stem 60–75 cm, erect, as measured from ground level, 4–5 mm diam. at base. Leaves 5–6, the lower not reaching the base of the spike. Lowest leaf reduced to a subterranean sheathing cataphyll 15–24 cm long; the blades linear, 0.7–10 mm wide, venation parallel; cauline leaves 2–3, linear-lanceolate, 2.5–6 cm long. Spike 5–7 flowered, lightly flexuose; bracts green, 20–50 mm long, the inner approximately two-thirds as long as the outer. Perianth zygomorphic, pinkish-purple flowers each subtended by a valved spathe; valves glaucous-green, unequal, upper 2–2.5 cm, lower 4–5 cm long. Hypanthial tube infundibular, posterior 10–15 mm, anterior 12–18 mm; perianth segments 6 , unequal; upper median segment flared, pinkish-purple 30–35 mm with spathulate, apically cuspidate, 10–12 mm broad limb and 15–20 mm long claw; lower median segment 28–32 mm with spathulate, 8–11 mm broad limb and 9–12 mm claw, apically cuspidate; upper lateral segments longer and narrower than upper median, 22–28 mm long with 12– 15 mm broad claw, apically acute; lower lateral segments spathulate, 28–33 mm, apically acute. Filaments 18–24 mm adnate to perianth tube, filiform, yellowish, anthers shorter than filaments, 15–18 mm. Style filiform, included; stigma 4–6 mm × 1–1.25 mm cleft at apex into 3 ±equal, dilated-spathulate branches with decurrent stigmatic surfaces. Ovary 3 locular. Capsule loculicidal, ovoid, 7–10 × 4–6 mm. Seeds turbinate to rounded, 2–3 × 1.7–2 mm, dark brown, not winged. The ornamentation is colliculate-rugulate.



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