Ajuga xylorrhiza

Ajuga xylorrhiza

Kaba mayasıl


Strongly perennial herb with stout woody rootstock to nearly 5 cm across. Stems ascending, simple, to 14 cm, densely hispid-villous on all sides. Basal leaves long-petiolate, obovate, toothed at apex. Cauline leaves cuneate-obovate, mostly broadly and. obtusely lobed in upper half, green, with indumentum not entirely obscuring leaf surface. Lower floral leaves tripartite or similar to cauline leaves. Inflorescence 3-4 cm; verticillasters 6-flowered. Calyx ± actinomorphic, 6-7 mm; teeth lanceolate, 4,2-4,5 mm. Corolla 20-21 mm, white, drying cream, tube straight, much longer than lower lip exannulate; upper lip short; emarginate; lower lip much longer, with 2 lateral lobes and a 5 mm broad, emarginate middle lobe. Stamens 4, exserted from a much reduced upper lip but not exceeding lower lip. Style not gynobasic. Nutlets foveolate. Fl. 6. Vertical rock crevices. c. 900 m.

Endemic; rare. Ir.-Tur. element.


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