Ballota acetabulosa


Ballota acetabulosa


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Stems unbranched, erect from woody base, 30-60 cm, floccose with dendroid hairs, bearing axillary, densely tomentose summer shoots. Cauline leaves with lamina broadly cordate, obtuse, 20-50 x 20-40 mm, shortly grey-tomentose with dendroid hairs, shortly petiolate. Inflorescence dense, at least above. Bracteoles linear to spathulate, c. as long as calyx tube. Calyx 6-8 mm, dendroid-tomentose, abruptly patent into a plate-like limb 15-20 mm diam.; limb membranous, reticulate, shallowly many-lobed into rounded mucronate lobes and lobules. Corolla white with purple markings on lip, 15-18 mm. Nutlets wind-dispersed in fruiting calyx. Fl. 6-7. Limestone rocks, ruins, screes, s.I.-1500 m.
Greece. E. Medit. element.
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