Ballota rotundifolia

Ballota rotundifolia

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Stems erect, 50-70 cm from a woody base, often with 10-20 cm branches, glandular-pubescent. Cauline leaves cordate-reniform, 22-40 x 30-60 mm, crenate, pubescent above, tomentose with simple and stellate hairs beneath. Verticillasters many-flowered. Bracteoles linear-filiform, c. as long as calyx tube. Calyx tube 7-8 mm, grooved, limb patent, c. 6-8 mm broad, teeth 10, unequal, alternately triangular and lanceolate-aristate, longer teeth 2-3 mm, ± recurved. Corolla pinkish-mauve, c. 14 mm. Fl. 6-7. Rocky Igneous slopes and screes, calcareous slopes, 1100-1900 m.

Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element


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