Clinopodium acinos

Clinopodium acinos


Syn: Acinos arvensis
Ascending or erect perennial , stems crispate-pubescent or puberulent, 15-30 cm, Leaves 8-15 x 3-6 mm, elliptic to lanceolate or ovate, entire or ± conspicuously serrate, glandular, ± puberulent or  pubescent. Verticillasters 3-10, ± distant below. Calyx 4-5.5 mm, glandular, hispidulous or pilose, lower teeth 1-2 mm, upper teeth 1-2 mm and curved upwards. Corolla violet or lilac, 6-8 mm. Fl. 6. Limestone rocks, up to 2000 m. 
Most of Europe, Balkans, Caucasia, N. Iran. Euro-Sib, element. 
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