Clinopodium alpinum

Clinopodium alpinum

 Dağ fesleğeni

Decumbent perennial herb. Stems 5-20 cm, pubescent or antrorsely crispate-haired, often repent below. Leaves ovate-orbicular to elliptic, 5-15 x 4-9 mm, entire or shallowly serrate towards apex, glabrous on both sides, or shortly hairy above and/or beneath, veins beneath sometime ciliate. Verticillasters 3-6, 2-6-flowered, in axils of floral leaves. Calyx 6-8 mm antrorsely crispate- or straight-haired, lower teeth 1.5-3 mm, upper teeth 1- 2 mm and often divergent. Corolla violet or mauve, 10-18 mm. Fl. 5-9. Rock; slopes and screes , 900-2030 m. 
C. & S. Europe, N.W. Africa. All the local populations seen from Turkey and the Islands are different from one another. 
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