Clinopodium graveolens

Clinopodium graveolens

 Ssp graveolens: Filiskin

Syn: Acinos rotundifolius
Erect to decumbent annual, 3-30 cm, stems often crispate and densely long-hairy, rarely glandular. Leaves 5-17 x 3-13 mm, glandular, puberulous to crispate or densely long-haired, 1anceolate-ovate or obovate to orbicular, upper part shallowly or conspicuously serrate, apex mucronate. Verticillasters 1-10, 2-12-flowered. Calyx 5-9 mm, glandular, ± densely long-hairy, lower teeth 2-3.5 mm, upper teeth 1-2.5 mm, projecting or not beyond lower teeth, spreading to recurved or parallel. Corolla pale blue to purple or pink, 8-12 mm. Fl. 4-8. Stony slopes , steppe, pasture, gullies, com and fallow fields, s.l.-2200 m,
N.W. Africa, S. Europe from Italy eastwards, S.W. Asia.