Clinopodium menthifolium

 Clinopodium menthifolium

 Ssp ascendens: Leylak fesleğeni; Ssp menthifolium: Yabani oğulotu

Syn: Calamintha sylvatica
Stems 25-70 cm, ascending to erect, short- and long-haired, eglandular, Leaves ovate to broadly ovate, 30-50 x 25-35 mm, ±densely short straight-haired and/or sparsely puberulous, camptodromous, crenate-serrate or serrate-dentate. Verticillasters 6-14. Bracteoles lanceolate to subulate, 2.5-3.5 mm. Calyx 5.5-8 mm, 13-veined, glandular, ± densely covered with long and short straight hairs, hairs at throat sparse and exserted; lower teeth 1.25-4 mm, long-ciliate, upper teeth 0.5-2 mm. Corolla lilac-blue to lavender, 9-20 mm.
1. Corolla 13-20 mm; calyx 6.5-8 mm, upper teeth 1-2 mm, lower teeth 2.5-4 mm subsp. menthifolium
1. Corolla 9-15 mm; calyx 5.5-7 mm, upper teeth 0.5-2 mm, lower teeth 1.25-3 mm subsp, ascendens , N.W. Africa, Caucasia, N. Iran)