Clinopodium suaveolens

Clinopodium suaveolens

 Hoş fesleğen

Ascending perennial, stems 8-30 em, crispate-pubescent. Leaves 8-19 x 3-8 mm, ovate to elliptic-lanceolate, entire to remotely serrate, gland-dotted and pubescent or pilose. Verticillasters 4-12, often approximate in axils of floral leaves. Calyx 6-8 mm, glandular and stiffly pubescent-pilose, lower teeth 2.5-3 mm, upper teeth 1-1.5 mm, all curved upwards. Corolla violet, 9-14 mm. Fl. 6-7. Montane, on calcareous slopes up to 2000 m.
Italy, Balkans & Romania. Medit. element.
  • 740
  • 3
  • 0
  • 737
  • 2
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