Clinopodium troodi

Clinopodium troodi

 Ssp grandiflorum: Sultan fesleğeni; Ssp vardaranum: Vardar fesleğeni

Decumbent perennial, stems 3-10 cm, often repent, sparsely crispate-haired or puberulent. Leaves 3-8 x 3-5 mm, orbicular to ovate-lanceolate, entire or scarcely notched, thick, papillose, with 2-3 pairs of prominent veins beneath; floral leaves lanceolate-elliptic. Verticillasters 1-3, forming a head. Calyx 8-9.5 mm, tube slightly curved, only weakly gibbous below, glandular' puberulous, without longer hairs; lower teeth 2.5-3.5 mm, upper teeth 1.5· 2.5 mm. Corolla violet, 12-16 mm. Fl. 7. Rocky slopes on serpentine, 1700-2200 m.
Endemic. E. Medit. element.
subsp. grandiflorus
Sprawling perennial fonning loose mats of several procumbent. curved stems to 30 cm, with a mixture of very short, glandular and eglandular hairs and longer, patent eglandular hairs. Leaf blades broadly triangular-ovate to suborbicular, 7-10 x 6-8,5 mm, fairly thin, subacute,  puberulent and with scattered longer hairs, subacute, with prominent veins beneath ; petiole slender, c. 1/2 x blade. VerticiIlasters 2-3, distant. Calyx 7,5-9,5 mm, glandular-puberulent and with longer, patent, eglandular hairs especially at base and on teeth. Corolla 16-19 mm; pale bluish-violet with white markings on lower lip. Fl. 7. Rocky slopes, open Pinus nigra woodland near tree-line, on limestone, 1900-2000m.
Endemic subspecies. E. Medit. element.