Clinopodium umbrosum

Clinopodium umbrosum

 Gölge fesleğeni

Perennial; stem ascending, 30-60 cm, pubescent, sparsely hirsute-pilose. Leaves ovate, cuneate or cuneate-rotundate at base, conspicuously serrate. Verticillasters ± lax. Bracts subulate, c. as long as pedicels, often plumose. Calyx 6-7.5 mm, more strongly curved than in C. vulgare, sparsely hirsute-pilose, lower teeth 2.2-2.6 mm, upper teeth 0.7-1 mm. Corolla 7-10 mm, pale purple, rarely white, 1.5 x as long as calyx. Fl. 8-9. Rocky slope, shady banks, c. 100-900 m,
Caucasia, N. Iran, Afghanistan. Hyrcano-Euxine element? In the Himalayas and Far East C. umbrosum is replaced by a series of closely related species or subspecies that require further revision before the taxonomic limits of C. umbrosum can be defined with confidence.
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