Cyclotrichium leucotrichum


Cyclotrichium leucotrichum


Plant yellowish-green, glandular-puberulent, often with long spreading -eglandular hairs on stems, at least at nodes. Stems ascending-erect, 15-30 cm. Median leaves 18-25 x 10-15 mm, ovate, firm, entire or nearly so. Verticillasters 2-6. Bracteoles lanceolate-subulate, shorter than calyx tube. Calyx straight, 5.5-8 mm, sub-bilabiate to 1/3, glandular-puberulent; teeth porrect, lanceolate, never ciliate; upper teeth 1-1.5 mm, lower 1.5-2 mm. Corolla pale violet, 9-12 mm, Fl. 7. Rocky limestone slopes and cliffs, c. 1000·1500 m.
N. Iraq. Ir.-Tur. element. Related to C. stamineum.
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