Dracocephalum austriacum

Dracocephalum austriacum


Stems herbaceous, solitary or few, erect, simple, 25-32 cm. Leaves sessile or shortly petiolate, 3-5-pinnatisect, segments linear to linear-lanceolate, entire, margins revolute; short axillary shoots with entire to 3-partite acute leaves. Verticillasters 2-4-flowered, in a rather dense oblong spike. Bracteoles narrow, trifid to c. 1/2, aristate. Calyx 12-15 mm, upper lobe 3-dentate to more than 1/2. Corolla blue-violet, 35-40 mm, softly hairy. Anthers lanate. Nutlets 2.8 x 2 mm, elliptic, apex obliquely truncate, margins with fine longitudinal ribs. Fl. 7. Alpine meadows, 2100-2200 m.

C. Europe, C. Russia, Caucasia. Euro-Sib. element.

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