Galeopsis bifida

Galeopsis bifida



Stems 35-55 cm or more, angles with sharp rigid setae, opposite sides usually with short adpressed hooked eglandular hairs. Leaves lanceolate to broadly ovate, median with 10-25 mm petiole, lamina 40-80 x 20-35 mm, acuminate, dentate. Bracteoles 6-10 mm, without soft hairs, ending in a 3-4 mm seta. Calyx 10-14 mm, tube 4-6 mm. Corolla 11-15 mm, tube and upper lip creamy, lower lip pale mauve with purple markings extending to margin, its middle lobe emarginate, ± convex with deflexed margins, lacking a basal yellow spot. Fl. 8-9. Clearings in Picea and Alnus forest, Rhododendron scrub,alpine pasture,bushy slopes, 100-2000 m.

Most of Europe , Caucasia, eastwards to N. Japan. Euro-Sib. element.

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