Lamium armenum

Lamium armenum

Tel balıcak

Almost glabrous low mat-forming perennial with thick rootstock and naked fragile caudiculi to 15 cm. Stems 4-12 cm, ascending-decumbent, eglandular. Leaves ovate, rhomboidal or suborbicular, 2-10 x 2-10 mm, truncate to cuneate, crenate or crenate-palmatifid, adpressed-pubescent to subvillous, with 5-25 mm winged petioles; veins elevated beneath, chartaceous, winged. Floral leaves rhomboidal to suborbicu1ar, crenate-palmatifid. Verticillasters 1-2, 4-6- flowered, rather crowded. Bracteoles 2-4 mm. Calyx 6-14 mm. Corolla pink or white, 33-41 mm; tube straight, 21-28 mm, without annulus; upper lip 11-14 mm, entire, ± truncate; lower lip white or crimson, with darker spots or a large purple blotch, emarginate; lateral lobes with 0.8-1.7 mm appendage. Nutlets 4-4.2 x 1.5-2 mm, greenish brown, smooth.

1-Calyx 6-9 mm, remaining green at maturity; corolla white or pale pink .........subsp. armenum

1-Calyx 10-14 mm, usually becoming vivid purple at maturity; corolla deep pink ...subsp. sintenisii