Lamium galactophyllum

Lamium galactophyllum

 Süt balıcak

Annual. Stems 9-35 cm, sparingly puberu1ent to pilosulous or subglabrous; inflorescence glandular. Leaves with 10-50 mm petiole; lamina cordate-ovate to broadly ovate, 6-25 x 6-27 mm, obtuse, crenate , pubescent-pilose. Bracts with a conspicuous white blotch, sessile; lower obliquely rhomboidal, 10-33 x 13-32 mm, upper rhomboidal to broadly triangular. Verticillasters 3-4, 10-flowered. Bracteo1es 1-2 mm. Calyx 9-10.5 mm; tube glabrous, teeth ± equalling or slightly longer than tube, ciliate, glandular at apex. Corolla white, 14-21 mm; tube 6.5-12 mm, curved, with annulus; upper lip 6.5-9.5 mm, lower 5-10 mm. Nutlets 2.5-3.1 x 1.1-1.6 mm, oblong-obovoid, olive-brown with white mottling. Fl. 5-6. Igneous slopes and scree, Festuca steppe, 1400-2000 m.
Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element. 
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