Lamium maculatum
Lamium maculatum
Benli balıcak
Stoloniferous perennial. Stems 8-37 cm, puberulent to pilose. Leaves broadly ovate to suborbicular or reniform, 5.5-30 x 5.5-27 mm, cordate to truncate, sparingly pubescent to densely villous, with or without a white median blotch, crenate-mucronate or doubly crenate. Bracts 8-30 x 5-30 mm, broadly ovate to ovate-orbicular. Verticillasters 2-4, 6-8-flowered, ± distant. Calyx 9-12 mm; tube pubescent, 4-6 mm; teeth to 10 mm, ± longer than tube. Corolla magenta to purplish, 22-29 mm; tube 14-20 mm, strongly curved, with annulus; upper lip 8-12.5 mm, entire; lateral lobes consisting of a single subulate 1-2 mm tooth. Nutlets not seen . Fl. 2-6. Fagus, Abies and Pinus sylvestris mixed forests, rocky slopes, subalpine meadows, 490-2200 m.
Europe, Caucasia, N. Iran.