Lamium microphyllum

Lamium microphyllum

Caespitose perennial with long creeping rootstock to 9 cm, Stems 12-20 cm, slender, ascending, glabrescent above, eglandular, Leaves with 6-20 mm petiole, lamina dark green to brownish, broadly ovate, reniform or suborbicular, 2-7 x 4-8 mm, obtuse, cordate to cuneate, 7-9-crenate, sparingly pubescent. Bracteoles 5-7.5 mm. Verticillasters 2-flowered, crowded near apex. Calyx 9-11 mm, villous; teeth 1/3 x tube. Corolla with rose-purple upper lip and paler tube with purple stripes, 33-35 mm; tube curved, 19-26 mm, without annulus; upper lip deeply bifid, 12-14 mm; lower lip retuse, 56 mm. Nutlets unknown. Fl. 5. Limestone screes, c. 1950 m.

Endemic. E. Medit. element.