Lamium multifidum
Lamium multifidum
Stems 8-40 cm, sparsely retrorse- patent-hirsute or -pilose, Lower leaves long-petiolate , upper usually sessile; lamina broadly ovate to ovate-oblong, very sparsely pilose, median 8-90 x 6-35 mm, subentire to shallowly crenate, upper ones more coarsely dentate to pinnatifid. Bracts oblong, 12-30 x 3-15 mm, pinnatifid . Calyx 8-12 mm in flower, accrescent to 20 m. Corolla with deep mauve-pink hood and whitish, purple-spotted lower lip, 20-30 m. Fl. 5-7. Steep igneous and calcareous rocky slopes, cornfields, hedgerows, 950-2100 m.
Caucasia. Ir.-Tur. element.