Leonurus glaucescens


Leonurus glaucescens


Boz aslankuyruğu
Perennial. Stems 35-75 cm or more, purplish, strongly quadrangular, with ± dense very short 0.2-0.3 mm, retrorse hairs on angles, otherwise subglabrous. Median leaves usually long-petiolate , lamina 40-75 x 25-75 mm, dark green above, paler beneath, with scattered very short hairs, deeply 5-lobed, middle lobe subequal to laterals, 30-60 x 7-25 mm, dentate to pinnatifid. Bracts 3-lobed, lower 50-65 x 20-40 mm, middle lobe 1.3-2 x laterals. Calyx 6-9 mm, tube 3.5-6 mm, densely puberulous,  with 5 very distinct veins. Corolla pale mauve, 9-10.5 mm, densely villous on back of upper lip and sometimes also on tube; tube with an oblique ring of hairs inside. Fl. 7-8. Nitrophilous; rocky igneous ravines, cliffs, lakeand streamsides, 1500-2300 m.
S. Russia, Caucasus, Turkestan, Transcaspia, N., N.W. & W. Iran. Ir.-Tur. element. 
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