Marrubium astracanicum


Marrubium astracanicum


Ssp astracanicum: Mor yayotu; Ssp macrodon: Koca yayotu
Erect, somewhat branched perennial. Stems 25-50 cm, densely stellate-pilose, glabrescent, often purplish. Basal leaves elliptic-obovate, crenate, white pilose, sometimes very densely so. Cauline leaves long-petiolate, orbicular to elliptic-obovate, deeply and irregularly crenate-serrate, dark green and thinly pilose with stellate hairs with long central branch above, more densely stellate-pilose beneath. Verticillasters several-flowered; bracteoles ± as long as calyx teeth. Calyx tube 4-5 mm, sparsely to densely spreading pilose with stellate hairs with elongate central branches. Teeth 1-4 mm, usually dark purple, straight, erect, stellate-pilose for c. 2/3 of their length. Corolla lavender, mauve or purple, 10-14 mm, densely stellate-pubescent outside, ±glabrous within upper lip.
1. Calyx teeth 1.5-2 mm .................................subsp. astracanicum
1. Calyx teeth 3-4 mm ................subsp. macrodon
  • 713
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  • 765
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