Marrubium bourgaei

Marrubium bourgaei

Ssp bourgaei: Bozkaşık; Ssp caricum: Akkaşık

Erect, little-branched perennial. Stems 20-40 cm, stellate-pilose with yellowish hairs. Basal leaves spathulate, long-petiolate, crenate, densely ginger-yellowish stellate-pubescent; cauline leaves oblong-elliptic to orbicular, petiolate, 20-24 x 15-22 mm, crenate, densely ginger-yellowish stellate-pubescent, hairs on upper surface with long central branch. Verticillasters dense, many-flowered; bracteoles about as long as calyx tube. Calyx tube 4-5 mm, scabrous stellate-pubescent with ginger-yellow hairs, a few of which have elongate central branches; teeth erect or slightly spreading, somewhat unequal, 1-2 mm, scabrous stellate-pubescent for c. 2/3 of their length. Corolla whitish, scarcely exceeding calyx teeth, densely stellate-pubescent outside and inside the upper lip.

1. Stems 15-30 cm; calyx teeth erect; indumentum of basal leaves not shining .........subsp. bourgaei

1. Stems 30-40 cm; calyx teeth somewhat spreading; indumentum of basal leaves shining ......subsp. caricum

Endemic. E. Medit. element.