Marrubium cuneatum


Marrubium cuneatum


Erect, branched perennial. Stems densely white pilose below, less so above, angles yellowish, faces green. Leaves petiolate, elliptic, oblong or obovate, upper relatively narrower and shortly petiolate, irregularly serrate, stellatepilose on both surfaces, lower whitish or pale green, upper darker and often having hairs with elongate central branch. Verticillasters several-flowered; bracteoles shorter than calyx tube. Calyx tube 3.5-4.5 mm, sparsely to densely stellate-pilose, hairs occasionally with elongate central branch; teeth widely spreading, 15-30, confluent at base into a disc, sinuses between them irregular, straight or hooked at extreme tip, the longer 2.5-4 mm, stellate-pilose for 2/3 of their length. Corolla white, very short, densely stellate-pubescent outside, glabrous within upper lip. Fl. 5-6. Quercus aegilops scrub, rocky limestone slopes, fields, vineyards, 500-1700 m.
N. Iraq, Iran, Palestine, Syria. Ir.-Tur. element. 
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