Marrubium lutescens


Marrubium lutescens


Ssp lutescens: Sarıderme; Ssp micranthum: Akderme
Perennial. Stems erect, little-branched, to 30 cm, long-pilose with yellowish hairs. Basal leaves broadly elliptic to almost orbicular, shortly petiolate, crenate, very densely pilose with yellowish hairs on both surfaces. Cauline leaves elliptic, crenate, with less dense indumentum; floral leaves oblong- elliptic, subsessile. Verticillasters congested into dense head-like inflorescences terminating the main stem and short lateral branches; bracteoles much shorter than calyx tube. Calyx tube 5-7 mm, very densely pilose with hairs which appear to be simple; teeth 2-2.5 mm, somewhat unequal, densely pilose for about 1/2 their length. Corolla white, 10-11 mm, densely stellate-pilose outside, upper lip ± glabrous within. Nutlets brown. Fl. 6-7. Hillsides, slopes, 1250-2100 m
Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element? Very similar to M. cephalanthum.
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