Marrubium parviflorum


Marrubium parviflorum


Ssp oligodon: Küllü bozotu; Ssp parviflorum: Bozotu
Erect, somewhat branched perennial. Stems 20-70 cm, stellate-pilose, usually densely so and white below, more thinly so above, brownish-green. Basal leaves very small, densely white-pilose; cauline leaves petiolate, elliptic, narrowly elliptic or oblanceolate, crenate-serrate, densely stellate-pilose and whitish beneath, upper surface greener with hairs with elongate central branch. Verticillasters several-flowered; bracteoles shorter than calyx tubes. Calyx tube 3.5-5 mm, stellate-pubescent , hairs sometimes with elongate central branch; teeth 5-15 or rarely more, equal to somewhat unequal, straight or curved and hooked, widely spreading, 2-3.5 mm, stellate-pubescent almost to apex. Corolla white, densely stellate-pilose outside, less so within upper lip.
1. Calyx teeth 5, unequal when more than 5 .....subsp. oligodon 
1. Calyx teeth 10-15 or more, all ± equal .......subsp. parviflorum