Mentha aquatica


Mentha aquatica


Su nanesi
Variable perennial, often purple-tinged and with pungent odour. Rhizomes epigeal, green or purplish, not brittle. Flowering stems 20-90 cm. Leaves 30-90 x 15-40 mm, ovate to ovate-Ianceolate, apex usually acute, base cuneate to weakly cordate, petioles 9-14 mm. Inflorescence of 2-3 verticillasters forming a terminal head to 20 mm diam., occasionally with 1-3 distant and sometimes pedunculate verticillasters below subtended by leaflike bracts. Calyx 3-4 mm, tubular, distinctly ribbed and with ± subulate teeth, pedicels hairy. Corollalilac. Nutlets pale brown, smooth or weakly foveolate. Fl. 8-10. River and lake margins, damp banks and marshes, s.l.-1300 m.
Europe and N. Africa eastwards to Caucasia and Iran. 
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