Micromeria graeca
Micromeria graeca
Ssp graeca: Boğumcuk
Erect slender suffrutescent perennial. Stems 15-40 cm, usually recurved-puberulent or -pubescent . Median leaves ovate-lanceo1ate, 6-12 x 2-4 mm; petiole to 1 mm. Inflorescence usually ± lax below, 5-22 ern. Verticillasters few to many-flowered, 6-14 mm broad; cyrnules with erecto-patent 1-3 mm peduncles, flowers shortly pedicellate. Floral leaves 1-1.5 x verticillasters. Bracteoles less than 1/2 as long as calyces. Calyx 3-5 mm, shortly pubescent to hispidulous, sub-bilabiate to 1/3-2/5, all teeth subu1ate, curved and ciliate, throat bearded. Corolla 5-9 mm, pink or mauve. Nutlets oblong, 0.8-1 x 0.3-0.4 mm, obtuse to subacute. Fl. 5-7. Rocky places, ascending to 800 m.
N.W. Africa, S. Europe , Latakia, Lebanon. Medit. element. Several subspecies have been recognised from the Mediterranean, mostly from Italy and Sicily.