Nepeta conferta

Nepeta conferta


Perennial; stems ± stiffly erect, unbranched or with short lateral branches above, c. 60 cm, densely adpressed pilose with short retrorse eglandular hairs and sessile glands. Leaves ovate-oblong, 2-3,3 x 0.8-1.7 cm, discolorous, grey-pubescent below with numerous sessile glands, crenate, truncate; petiole 0-1 cm. Inflorescence a conferted 'spike', c. 5 x 2 em, straw-coloured. Bracteoles linear-acuminate, apically somewhat recurved, c. 5 mm. Calyx tubular, wider above, 10-12 mm, ± straight, mouth slightly oblique, shortly pilose with many eglandular ± antrorse hairs and with some sessile glands; teeth 4-5 mm, acuminate-mucronate, ± spreading. Corolla c. 14 mm; tube slender, curved. Nutlets not known. Fl. 6.
Endemic. E. Medit. element. Distinctive on account of the conferted spike-like inflorescence, the mucronate ± spreading calyx teeth and the apparently white or cream flowers. 
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