Nepeta flavida

Nepeta flavida


Perennial; stems several, erect, 40-90 cm, quadrangular, with adpressed short eglandular hairs below, densely glandular-papillose above. Leaves ± triangular-ovate, 3-6 x 1-3 cm, green, adpressed pilose with sessile glands below, crenate-serrate, cordate; petiole 3-40 mm. Inflorescence of clearly distant, many-flowered verticillasters. Bracteoles numerous, erect or spreading, green, 7-14 x 1.2-2 mm, spinulose. Calyx tubular, 9-12 mm, curved, mouth oblique, finely glandular-papillose; teeth narrowly lanceolate, subulate, as long as tube. Corolla with a yellow hood and white lower lip, 12-15 mm; tube gradually widening above, broad at throat, clearly included within calyx teeth. Nutlets ±oblong, trigonous, c. 2.2 x 1.2 mm, tuberculate overall. Fl. 6-7. In Pinus brutia and Fagus orientalis woods, damp gorges, in Quercetum, pathsides, 450-1650 m.

Latakia, Lebanon. E. Medit. element.

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