Nepeta glomerata

Nepeta glomerata

Taş pisikotu

Perennial; stems often branched from below, 24-100 cm, shortly pilose to villous, glandular-papillose. Leaves ovate, 1-3.8 x 0.7-3.5 cm, ± cordate, crenate, glabrescent to pilose; petiole 0-2.5 mm. Inflorescence usually branched, verticillate, lower cymes pedunculate, upper ± sessile, flowers congested. Bracteoles linear-lanceolate to linear-subulate, somewhat shorter than calyx. Calyx tubular, 6-9 mm, mouth oblique, lower lip somewhat cleft, usually scabridulous, glandular-papillose, purple or green, teeth equalling or shorter than tube, narrowly triangular to linear, attenuate-aristate. Corolla violet-blue, 11-19 mm, tube ± straight, exserted from calyx teeth. Nutlets elliptic to oblong, ± trigonous, tuberculate, 2.3-2.5 x 1.3-1.5 mm. Fl. 6-7. Rocky slopes or screes, often limestone, 1650-2750 m.

Lebanon, Anti-Lebanon.

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