Nepeta nuda

Nepeta nuda

 Ssp albiflora: Karaküncü; Ssp glandulifera: Yağlıküncü; Ssp nuda: Morküncü

Perennial; stems several, erect, 20-90 cm, finely adpressed eglandular-pilose, villous, with glandular hairs or papillae or rarely subglabrous. Leaves ovate to ovate-oblong, 1.5-5 x 1-2.5 cm, adpressed pubescent with numerous sessile glands, crenate, cordate or truncate; petiole 0.5-2 cm. Inflorescence paniculate of numerous many-flowered verticillasters, rarely thyrsoid, Bracteoles shorter than calyx tube or subequal to it, linear to linear-lanceolate. Calyx tubular in flower, 5-7 mm, ± ovoid in fruit, yellowish-green or violet-blue, tube and mouth straight, adpressed eglandular-pilose with sessile glands, with glandular hairs or papillae, or with spreading eglandular hairs; teeth erect, 2-3 mm, blunt, separated by rounded sinuses, often with membranous margins. Corolla white, cream or violet-blue, 7-10 mm; tube slightly curved. Nutlets ovoid oblong, trigonous, c. 2 x 1 mm, tuberculate, prominently so at apex with crowded projecting tubercles. One of the commonest and most widespread species in Turkey. It varies considerably in flower colour, indumentum, inflorescence and calyx characters. Much of the variation is at the local population level, but with the considerable amount of material available it seems that four subspecies are worth recognition.
1. Inflorescence axis, calyces and corollas ± violet-blue ...subsp. nuda 
1. Inflorescence axis, calyces and corollas green, yellowish-green or white
   2. Indumentum on stem with numerous short capitate glandular hairs ........subsp. glandulifera
   2. Indumentum on stem without or with very few, capitate glandular hairs
     3. Bracts as long as calyx tube; indumentum on stem of spreading tangled hairs.subsp. lydiae 
     3. Bracts shorter than calyx tube; indumentum of very short pilose ± adpressed hairs  subsp. albiflora