Origanum amanum

Origanum amanum

Büyük mercan
Subshrub, to 20 cm, hirsute to scabrid. Branches c. 1 cm. Leaves subsessile, cordate, rarely ovate, 6-19 x 4-14 mm, acute or acuminate, ± glaucous. Spicules 15-40 x 14-20 mm. Bracts ovate or elliptic, rarely ± lanceolate, 8-21 x 4-15 mm, acuminate or acute, vivid purple. Verticillasters 2-10- flowered. Calyx 5-12 mm; upper lip with broadly to narrowly triangular teeth to 1/10-4/5; lower lip ± as long as upper lip, consisting of narrowly triangular teeth. Corolla pink, 15-40 mm, with lips at c. 90° to tube. Filaments c. 0.5 mm. 2n 30. Fl. 8-10. Calcareous rocks and slopes, 1500-2300 m.
Endemic. E. Medit. element.