Origanum husnucanbaseri

Origanum husnucan-baseri


Subshrub, stem ascending or erect, 10--30 cm, unbranched, glabrous, purplish or dark brown. Leaves up to 13 pairs per stem, sessile, cordate, ovate to orbicular 3-10 x 2-10 mrn, acute to acuminate, glaucous to purplish, veins conspicuous, ± leathery, glabrous, glands sessile. Spicules cylindrical, to 25 x 12 mm, nodding. Bracts elliptic or ovate, 5-6 x 2-3 mm, acute, purple. Flowers 2 in each verticillaster; pedicels 0.5-2.5 mm. Calyx 2 lipped, 6-7 mm, throats pilose, otherwise glabrous; upper lip divided into 3 equal lobes, lobes triangular, acute, c. 2-2.5 mm; somewhat shorter than upper lips. Corolla pink, 13-15 rnm, not saccate; tube slightly curved downwards; 2-lipped for c. 1 1/5; upper lip c. 0.5 rnm; lower lip slightly unequal, lobes c. 1.5 mm. Stamens  unequal; upper 2 included, lower 2 included or shortly protruding; filaments c. 0.5 and 2.0 mm. Style c. 16 mm, Nutlets ovoid. c. 1.5 mm, brown. Fl. 7-8.
Endemic. E. Medit. element.
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