Phlomis bruguieri

Phlomis bruguieri

Kara çalba
Herb to 80 cm. Leaves eglandular, densely canescent-tomentose, especially beneath, oblong, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, tapering towards base and acute apex, entire or nearly so, 4-12 x 0.8-2 cm, petiole to 2 cm. Floral leaves shortly petiolate or sessile, linear-lanceolate. Verticillasters 2-5, ± congested, 6-flowered. Bracteoles numerous, subulate, 10-25 mm, densely white-plumose. Calyx 25-35 mm, densely white- tomentose with long spreading hairs, teeth subulate, of unequal length, 15-25 mm. Corolla yellow, 20-25 mm. Nutlets glabrous. Fl. 7-8. Steppe, fallow fields, gullies at edge of plain, 400-1500 m,
W. & S.W. Iran, N. Iraq, Syria. Ir.-Tur. element.
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