Phlomis integrifolia

Phlomis integrifolia

Özge çalba

Herb 20-35 cm, densely adpressed stellate-tomentose. Cauline leaves tomentellous-eanescent on both surfaces, lanceolate to linear-lanceo1ate, entire, 5-10 x 1-2 cm, subobtuse, mucronate, cuneate at base, sessile or lowest shortly petiolate. Floral leaves similar but smaller, linear-lanceolate, to 2 x as long as verticillasters. Verticillasters 2-4, remote, 4-6-flowered. Bracteoles linear-subulate, adpressed white-tomentose, 5-7 mm. Calyx 10-12 mm, densely adpressed white stellate-tomentose, teeth triangular-acuminate, 2-4 mm. Corolla pink, 20-25 mm, upper lip galeate. Nutlets glabrous. Fl. 6. Steppe, c. 750m.

Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element.

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