Phlomis pungens

Phlomis pungens

Herb to 70 cm, stellate-tomentose with hairs to 0.1 mm, with or without a secondary indumentum of undivided, articulate 1-3 mm hairs, eglandular, rarely glabrescent. Cauline leaves lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, cuneate at base, denticulate or serrate, rarely entire, 5-13 x 1-6 cm, petiole to 10 cm. Floral leaves sessile to shortly petiolate, lanceolate or oblong, acute or acuminate. Verticillasters 2-7, 2-6-flowered. Bracteoles subulate, 11-17 mm, adpressed stellate-tomentose, with or without undivided hispid hairs. Calyx 8-15 mm, adpressed stellate-tomentose, with or without undivided hispid hairs, teeth subulate, 2-7 mm. Corolla purple or pink, 15-20 mm, upper lip galeate. Nutlets glabrous. Fl. 6-8. Steppe, pastures, fallow fields, roadsides, dry stony slopes, Pinus forest, 250-2400 m.
1. Stellate hairs to 0.1 mm; longer undivided hairs absent or scattered
    2. Calyx teeth 1/2 as long as tube or longer ..................var. pungens
    2. Calyx teeth 1/3-1/5 as long as tube ............................var.laxiflora
1. Stellate hairs to 0.1 mm; undivided, articulate hairs present, 1-3 mm
    3. Bracteoles and calyx with ± numerous undivided hairs to 2 mm ...........var, hirta
    3. Bracteoles and calyx with very dense indumentum of undivided hairs to 3 mm
       4. Leaves subglabrous above; stem with sparse undivided hairs ........var. seticalycina
       4. Leaves stellate-tomentose above; stem with dense indumentum of undivided hairs,  especially near nodes ..................var. hispida
Distribution of species: S.E. Europe extending to Spain and C. Russia, Caucasia, N. Iran, W. Syria. Predominantly Irano-Turanian in Turkey; the external distribution of the constituent varieties is imperfectly known.
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